Tuesday, January 26, 2010

back. ;-)

for a lot of bloggers out there, i'm sure you know how sometimes real (i.e. tangible) life gets in the way and, when priorities must be clearly defined, it's so often that the blog is the one that is stashed at the bottom of the to-do pile. 

so boo me for having gone on month-long (and a bit) hiatus, but- yay me!- i'm back to blogging form. gosh, i do hope that with my crazy-busy college life (sure you college students understand this) i can still maintain some type of regularity with blogging--but i guess, only time will tell.

but, for now, i have managed to get some time on my hands, and i bequeath to you groovy pics of abbey lee as a returning tribute. ;-) 

(i hope you all lovelies are doing fine in your corners of the world!)

abbey lee is a strange creature. i wasn't captured by her immediately--nor am i sure that she has now. she takes  captivating pictures, she does have a signature look about her...but i still can't seem to figure her out that well.

maybe that's what you call the "it" factor, eh?

how do you find abbey lee? 

what makes a model an "it" model? luck of the draw? sign of the times? is there a scientific way we can predict which models get famous, and which ones remain on local clothing catalogues? or is the fashion industry just fucking with us, and we're going for the ride?



  1. I know what you mean, she's pretty and I also think she takes a great picture, but I am not captivated by her if that makes sense!

    I love her hair though.

    Oh, and thanks so much for thinking of my little blog on your return to worldwide web haha, I have been quite bad at blogging lately but it always goes in phases for me! I should try and write something tonight :)


  2. Oh, as always Abbey Lee...she is far too fabulous for words!

    Don't worry darling; real life does get in the way of the blogging world at times, but true followers will forever be awaiting your return with open arms!! :)


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